Chapter 10 – The Geometer


Meaning of Numbers 1-9

Sacred Geometry and Cell Development

Matter to Pattern, Mother and Father


Vesica Pisces, Three is Key

Four Elements, Building Block


5 Platonic solids

Circle of Fifths

Golden Ratio

Venus, Rose Line

Hexagonal Conductive Design

7 planes and 7 levels to completion

9 Rodin Circuit

Repeating Patterns of 9

Rodin circuit



Timothy Freke and Peter Ganday – Hermetica

Dale Pond

Jon DePew

Marko Rodin

Anthony Morris

Richard Merrick

John Stuart Reid 

Timothy Freke & Peter Ganday


Freddy Silva


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Patterns in Nature


Chapter 8 – I AM THAT, I AM

“I Am?”




Near Death

Past Lives



Remote Viewing


Out of Body Experiences

Healing Phobias

Spontaneous Healing



“Black Holes”




Jeffrey Armstrong

Dean Radin

Rupert Sheldrake 

Nikola Tesla

Dr. Joe Dispenza 

Dr. Miceal Ledwith

Bruce Lipton

Larry Dossey

Russell Targ

Ernest Richards

Gene Webb

Larry Dossey


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Larry Dorry – The One Mind


Quantum Possibilities –




Insideout, a Visual Journey into Our Universe

Wow, this should come with a warning that opening it might cause lost time, slipped appointments, altered states, experiences of bliss, changes in worldview, and deep gratitude for you and for our participation in creation.

This is the!secret teaching of all ages of our times. ~ Thank you, bless you. ~ Foster Gamble

Karen Elkins has a natural sense of truth and she is quick to embrace what is truth. This is exactly what is needed to advance mankind into blossoming in the ways it always should have from the very beginning of civilization.

Nature is always correct, and it is nature that we should follow loyally as our authority that we embrace and learn from.!

Thank you Karen for your efforts to convey this most important message! ~ Jon DePew

InsideOut is a mastery of, weaving the fabric of the cosmic harp, engaged and immersed in the unified field of sciences…..in all the dimensions as Dear Tesla shared “ If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration. ~ Krishna Madappa, President and Co-Founder, Institute for Science, Spirituality and Sustainability; Taos, NM

The fundamental language of all sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, as well as music, art, dance is a template which is behind all of nature, as we will see. ~ Josef Tyles



Welcome to this visual tour as I unravel the mystery of our designer universe. My quest was to be see Godʼs designer studio and here is a glimpse.

As I lift the veil you will see the Creator everywhere and in everything. This mystical journey awakens you, the dreamer, to the science and spirit of living.

Through the contribution of over 60 innovative thinkers, scientists and artists, I have woven a compelling tapestry that threads science to sage, east to west, and heart to mind. This mosaic is not a story but a synthetics of elemental and fundamental building blocks of life, so you can see how all is entwine. This book reveals complex ideas in a simple and visual way. It is an invitation to explore more deeply science to sage.

Within this tapestry there is but ONE Master Weaver.

My question to humanity is as this veil lifts will we let go of our righteousness and allow for diversity; and in so doing restore our dignity and humanity?

“The original and literal meaning of the term apocalypse, however, is not “destruction” but “lifting of the veil” or “revelation.” It referred to the disclosure of secrets, hidden from the majority of humanity, to certain privileged persons.” ~ Stanislav Grof
this is science with soul.


Chapter 2 – The Code

We are made of the same weave, woven by a flexible magnetic field of spinning particles of light. As these spinning wheels cycle they create vortex of energy called torus fields. These fields generate waves of information which are their harmonic signature. This sound idea is pure chemistry, geometry in motion.

Everything is energy and everything is vibrating.

This blueprint, known to ancients across the globe, was the Flower of Life. Its harmonic principle can be viewed in a drop of water to the harmonics of the spheres, macro to micro, all is noted.

Its golden thread, the Golden Ratio, it is also referred to as fibonacci numbers. It is a sequence and spin rate revealing the innate intelligent design embedded in an objected from a daisy, to a galexy.

These insights, as above, so below, and so within, are also woven within the matrix of your mind. We are not the first to unravel this mystery.



Flower of Life

The Dream Catcher

Torus Field

Everything is Energy

Magnetic Field

Mater, Pater-Matter to Pattern, Mother and Father



Golden Ratio

Divine Template

Triptych Design

Harmonic Lattice

Esoteric Symbols

Pinecones vortexes, vector points

Pineal Gland

God is Within

Electric-Magnetic Field

Harmonic Lattice

Wave Functions

Temple Building

Rosslyn Chapel, Sound Chamber

Platonic solids and Kepler

Five Element


Knotted and Noted



Dr. Wae-Wan Ho

Nikola Tesla

Johannes Kepler

Jon DePew

Richard Merrcik

Richard Cassaro

Don Estes

Josef Tyls

Walter Russell

Richard Merrick

Freddy Silva

Johannes Kepler

MJ Pangman

John Stuart Ried

Stan Tenen

Edwin Kaal

Ernest Richards

MJ Pangman

 Melanie Evans

The Hermetica, The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs


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Patterns in Nature

Dr. Miceal Ledwith

Freddy Silva


Chapter 3 – Heavens/Space

This Master Designer utilizes a timeless template that is visible at any scale. Yet, until modern times, when we can now peer through super powered microscopes and telescopes, and now the Cymascope, were we able to pierce the veil.

The Creatorʼs magnetic weave, of golden thread, (Golden Ratio), spins the fundamental elements of nature into waves and light formations. This magnetic current formulates similar shapes that can be seen from outer-space to our personal landscape be it cells, DNA, eyes, to our heart. We are all part of an interconnected web. All is birthed in expanding and contracting universesʼ, evolving in stages, and cycling through the Ages.

Through these vortexes of energy, particles are funneled through something likened to an hourglass. The pinched point, where the mass collects, is considered the NOW in time. The other 2 reference points, and how I visualize them, is that either particles are converging towards an event, a future, or particles are releasing from an event, the past.

In these vortexes, black holes, we are caught in a spin for a time, one might say we are black holes wandering in space. These vortexes are portal for light, where we, like a snowflake, are a crystalline form (pure chemistry) frozen for a moment in time.

As light beings, like all celestial bodies, we are connected by charged networks of electrical fields and pulses. From the sun to ourselves, we experience flare ups, and heated conditions from time to time. We live in a charged universe, hence, we live a charged life.

All electrical circuits have opposite polarities, with plus and minus charges. This oscillation is the rhythmical balancing act seen as we inhale and exhale, or like solar system which implode and explode. As we move from day to night, light to dark, and from hot to cold; this convergence of opposites, fuels and sparks, our electric light show.


As Above, So Below

Timeless template on all scales

Aether & Water the Mediums

Channels of Light


Portals of Light




Wal Thornhil

Don Scott

Walter Russell

Max Planck

Nikola Tesla

Richard Merrick


Aaron Murakami

Albert Einstein

Johannes Kepler

Gene Webb

Don Estes

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John Haglin Ph.D

Wal Thornhill




“I Am the life of the world: I am the sap in the trees, and the sweet water that lies beneath the children of matter.” ~ Manichean psalm

Chapter 4 – Earth

We have been given a garden to play in and experience our act of creation. We arrive connected, and a seed of intelligence encoded within. It is interesting that many of our invention are insights and refections of our inner workings.

By natureʼs design all of creation is made of self-similar patterns, which are fractal by design. This relationship also nurtures our nature, for example walnuts are good for our brain, avocados for the womb, and kidney beans for the kidney’s. The Master Mind of this design would call this form and function.

We are defines by the type of skin we swim in. As kin, treeʼs to people, spinesʼ are knotted and twisted by lifeʼs conditions; and veins channel life force energy be it rivers, leaves or your hand.

Nature also seems to cluster into collectives of similar vibrations, from eco-systems,ʼ to cultural bias. We think we are unique, and special, yet we live on this tiny speck in the universe. We should appreciate that variety is designed into all systems, as there is no one kind of anything.

One aspect that is common to all living conditions on earth is the Schumann resonance; this is earthʼs frequency. Our mind and heart beat to its pulse. We are in resonance with earthʼs vibration, hence why we have gravitated, and been magnetized to this gournd of existence.

In our relation – ship we should understand that what we do to earth, we do to ourselves.



Our Garden


Natures Intelligence

Patterns in Nature

The Fractal Body

Chemistry – Structure



Affects of Environments

Cycle in Nature

Growth Cycles

Schumann Resonances

Earths Magnetic Fields

Heart Math

Electric World

Cause and Affect



Form and Function

Balance in Nature



R. A. Robert Dursi

Johannes Kepler

Hotel Hilton

Gerald Pollack, Ph.D.

West Marrin, Ph.D.

John Keely

Jon DePew

Dale Pond

Mike Waters

The Kybalion

Jane Benyus

Explore Deeper with Science to Sage E-Magzine

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Water Issues


Chapter 5 – Water

And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” ~ Genesis 1:6

Water is the medium from which life comes fourth. Life is said to have emerged from the seas, and spiritual texts note that we are the living waters.

Water is natureʼs recycling system, flowing from liquids, solids to gases. It is but one substance in an ever-changing state. Hence, this is another place where science and spirituality bridge, as we are the alpha and the omega, life without end.

Water is also the mixer of life. Waterʼs force moves and grooves all aspects of life. Its current design channels vortexes of energy, be it whirlwinds, to whirlpools consolidating and gathering matter into information of energy.

This information is transferred via waterʼs crystalline structure, as it has many fazes and faces, it moves like a symphony of vibrational energy. Its tetrahedron structure is but a prism of light, which registers wave lengths, which is measured on the spectrum of light. It also carries its information through lines of conductivity. Water acts like a battery. It receives and circulates radiant energy, recharging and sustaining life.

Water is the universal solvent, it is the solution we bathe in, take in, and it is the tape recorder within. Like crystalline formations, it records impressions, and transmits in-form-a-tion, while replaying our lines.

Water is the solution which gives resolution to life.

The solution for life.



Primordial Soup

Rene Quinton

Harmonic Evolution


The Science of Sound

4th Phase of Water


Octaves in Water

Frauhofer Absorption Lines

Chemistry in Water


Flow Forms




Water and Light

Sacred Geometry






Georg Schroecker

West Marrin, Ph.D.

Rene Quinton

Rachel Carson, Marine Biologist

Don Estes

Richard Merrick

Gary Robert Buchanan

Gerald Pollack, Ph. D.

James Oschman, Ph.D. 

Alick Bartholomew

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Walter Russell

Theodor Schwenk

Viktor Schauberger

Dr. Emoto

Georg Shoecker 

Josef Tyls

Viktor Schauberger

John Stuart Reid

Jim Dooley

Theodor Schwenk

Gene Webb

Dra. Esther Del Rio

Serrano, Dra. Esther Patricia Pérez Del Rio

Dale Pond


Randy Hatton

Freddy Silva

Also see interviews under resources there are a lot of insights

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Birthed in the Living Waters


Interview with Leading Water Experts

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Chapter 7 – Fire of Life



Hermes Principles

Our Electric Universe



Mind Over Matter


Chemistry of Food and Mood

Learning Issues
Sensory Processing

Your Senses

Geometry and Chemistry

Healing Touch


Circadian Rhythms




Wal Thornhill

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Walter Russell

Ernest Richards

Richard Merrick

Dale Pond

Don Estes

Randy Stack

Donna Eden

R. A.  Robert Dursi

Konstantin Korotkov

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

Light, Life and Electric


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Interviews with Experts by Karen Elkins

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Chapter 6 – Light, Life and Illumination 

Imagine that life is like a kaleidoscope, rearrange our perception of light. This concept is portrayed in houses of worship from the mosaics in the Mosque, to the stain glass windows in a Cathedral. That is why God is unknowable in any one form. That is why it is said that God is the light of the world, and is everywhere and in everything.

As light BEING, we are HUEman. Our choices color our emotions and words, just as our love is radiant. Color is but a reflection of a frequency of information. The color of food, your mood, is but a vibration of energy. Color, hence vibration. has the ability to heal, or create discord, where have we missed this basic understanding?

Weʼve seen the light waves emanating from a projector, from this we can construe that life is light. That is why some call this life an illusion. Walter Russell, says the “secret of life is in the wave”. Why? Because it holds the frequency, hence the channel we are “set” to. Like the TV, we project our image into a “solid state”. We are but particles of light, pixel- zed, and arranged for viewing.

Our life is defined by our story lines, our signature, to the lines on our hands. Our words cast a spell, our script is where we draw the line, and what we feel is what we field.

We are holographic imagining machine with a dual processor. The two hemispheres of our brain process information differently, be it pictures or words (code), imagine-al or concrete. Our story line does not have to be set in stone, as self biologist, we can define our genes, they are only a blueprint. How we shape them is up to us.

Abracadabra is derived from an ancient Aramaic language meaning “I create what I speak”.!Languages are the literal transmission of light, math, vibration, ratio and logos.!“in the beginning was the word and the word was good…”!The power of the word itself is absolute creation.” ~ Josef Tyls




We are Hue-man


Electric Magnetic Spectrum

Harmonic Spectrum Morphs the Field

Particles to Pixels


Cosmic Gateway


Crystalline Light

Sacred Geometry


Theory of Everything


The Living Word

Hebrew Alphabet

Patterns and Ancient Art




Mathematical Loom

Languages of Light

Healing Color

Color food and moods

Auras and Electro Photon Imaging

Radiant Energy

Chakras, the Electric Spectrum and Sound

Astrology and the Cosmic Wheel of Fortune



Konstantin Korotkov

Krishna Madappa

Don Estes

Randy Stack

Ernest Richards

Gene Webb

Bill Tiller

Stan Tenen

Marko Rodin

Dale Pond

Clay Taylor

Arnold Keyserling

Walter Russell

Robert Dursi

LoVcdi Lofferty & Dud Hollowed, Ph.D


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Light, Life and Electric

Link to Interview with Experts by Karen Elkins

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