Christian Weber – Innovation and SHIFTPOD Story

Interview by Karen Elkins with Christen Weber and innovative idea the SHIFTPOD and how it is reshaping survival, search and rescue to camping.
We talk about the ah h moment and the journey.

Meet innovator of SHIFTPOD the most popular Shelter on the Planet

Christian Weber is an innovative entrepreneur with a career that has spanned many industries and covered a wide range of markets. Among them: oil and gas development and rework, import/export/logistics, manufacturing, mining, software and internet systems development.

He has founded and funded several start-ups while staying involved through development, production, sales, and public offering. He has a unique ability to identify market trends “ahead of the curve” giving companies a cutting edge in meeting consumer needs before others have capitalized on these trends. By pushing the envelope with concepts, technology and marketing he has made several companies very successful.

His latest offering, Advanced Shelter Systems, Inc. (ASSI) produces high-speed, heat reflective pop-up shelters that can host families for extended stays and can be set up in 20 seconds called the SHIFTPOD. “Built for us by us” has been the motto that insures the best materials are used to produce the best quality. SHIFTPOD also gives one shelter to a family in need for ever 20 shelters sold. ASSI continues to refine materials and technologies in the shelter and emergency response space including low power air conditioning units, heating units and power generators.

A SHIFTPOD STORY, designed by Karen Elkins | Science to Sage
See the Unique Design that is reshaping the Shift Moment … catalog design by Karen Elkins | Science to Sage
ShiftPod redefines search and rescue – catalog design by Karen Elkins | Science to Sage